Look Beautiful Even When Wearing a Mask!

Beautiful health care worker wearing mask.

We all know too well that wearing a mask is something we have to live with for the time being. But, still accentuating your most striking features is not an option. According to a recent article by Transformative Dermatology in Nashville, Tennessee, titled 5 Fun Tips to Help Your Eyes Stand Out When Wearing a Mask your eyes are essentially the only facial feature left that you have to work with while wearing a mask in public. As soon as I encountered this article, it had me ready to learn more about what I essentially took for granted that there was nothing but negatives regarding beauty and wearing a mask. I like the fact that you need to spend more time making the eyes and the area around the eyes even more attractive, sometimes through toxins like Xeomin and Botox, skin tightening treatments and of course, a touch of makeup. Nonetheless, take a look for yourself!