No matter how much you work out, sometimes it feels like you can never see the physical results you want. EMSCULPT® targets specific areas of the body in ways even the most intense workouts can’t. It does this by using a high-intensity electromagnetic pulse that stimulates powerful muscle contractions. These contractions create a deep remolding of your muscle tissue that results in muscle building and sculpting. One session of EMSCULPT® is the same as doing 20,000 contractions. If you are at a healthy weight and physically active, then you are a perfect candidate for EMSCULPT®. This treatment is non-invasive and only requires you to relax while the EMSCULPT® applicator does all the work. Transformative Dermatology’s blog, EMSCULPT®: Tone & Sculpt Muscle Without Breaking a Sweat, recommends a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled two to three days apart. Check out their blog article for more details about what you can expect with EMSCULPT®.

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Generally speaking, today’s MedSpa’s offer a wide variety of treatment options to help you look and feel your very best. It has been our experience