COVID19. Ok, we said it. Now, let’s talk about medical marketing as we navigate this volatile time. The most important part of any business is client relations. Operating a business for any length of time profitably, generally means that you have a list of tried and true customers who patronize your services. These customers are likely to return to do more business. Same in medical marketing on a local level. Many people today, however, are unsure of their relationships everywhere, and that means they are not sure if their medspa, plastic surgeon, dermatologist, dentist, etc., are seeing patients. What’s more is that clients of your competitors have the same uncertainty. Recently, Colloredo & Associates ran an article titled In Trying Times like this, do the Uncomfortable. This article is very helpful in further developing a culture of personal client relations. It’s a great read if you’re seeing what we’re seeing and that is OPPORTUNITY vs UNCERTAINTY. So, read this article and get moving!

New Website Launched for Medical Marketing Company
We’re very excited to announce that Colloredo & Associates, our partner in medical marketing, has launched a fully-revamped website designed to help medical marketers learn